Fallen Tree Dangers
Date: 06/29/2011
Info: You can report fallen trees for non-emergency to Greenville County Dept of Roads and Bridges, a division of Engineering and Maintenance at 864-467-7016. If the tree impedes traffic or poses a danger in any way, you should call Greenville County Sherriff's Office at 864-467-6016 (non-dispatch office). Call 911 for anything you deem a present danger. Be prepared with to provide the location with the closest cross street.
Mailbox Info
Date: 03/08/2011
Info: Contact for Mailboxes and posts is Tommy Elliott at Elite Signs, LLC. 2573 E Phillips Rd, Greer, SC 29650. 864-801-0022. If you need paint for your post, the color is Sherwin Williams Y-3 Deep Gold (Satin, Exterior, Super, Architectural, Latex).
Moving? Make sure to pass on your Pool cards!
Date: 03/08/2011
Info: Pool cards (2) are to be forwarded from the old resident to the new resident at closing. If the old resident fails to do so, he/she will be charged $50 ($25 per card) to replace them. The new owners will subsequently be asked to sign for the receipt of the cards.
Light Pole/Light Issues
Info: If you notice any light pole or light issues, contact Duke Power at 1-800-653-5307.
Traffic Calming Study Results
Date: 03/21/2012
Info: The results of the Traffic Calming Study can be found in this PDF file: Traffic Letter
Weatherstone Email Info
Date: 11/13/12
Info: To reach most residents, send email to To reach the Board, send email to To reach the email and web administrator, send email to Please send concerns that need to be addressed to the Board and not to the Residents. Our email server has a limit of 400 emails per hour and 3 Resident emails in an hour will hit that limit. Thank you. Note that ONLY email addresses on the Residents list can send to the Residents list.